(Title:clause sentences with question words)
We just did a post where the task was to choose the correct alternative to finish this sentence:
Which one did you pick?
The correct answer is alternative C.
The sentence has HVORFOR in the middle and then starts a clause sentence with a question word.
A clause sentence does not make sense on its own. If you look at the example below, the clause sentence is: hvorfor hun ikke er her. If you went up to someone and said that, it would make no sense. They need the rest of the context to make sense of it. So a clause sentence is a part of a full sentence, and only then can it make sense. The full sentence being: Hun vet ikke hvorfor hun ikke er her. ( She doesnt know why she isnt here)
A clause sentence starts with a subjunction.
Some subjunctions are: at, om, fordi, hvis, siden, selv om, så, som, der, hvor, når, da, før, mens.
But question words can also be a subjunction if they are in the middle of the sentence. Hva, hvem, hvordan, hvilken, hvorfor, når
In our example HVORFOR starts the clause sentence.
The clause sentence has a fixed pattern when it comes to sentence structure. The only thing you have to remember is: If there is a subjunction first- then there is a subject after, and a sentence adverb if you are using that ( ikke, aldri, alltid) and a verb.
Subjunksjon- subjekt- (setningsadverb)-verb- +( other info such as place, time)
So you see, the only correct alternative to finish this sentence, is C:
Jeg vet ikke hvorfor......
a) han kommer ikke
b) ikke han kommer
c) han ikke kommer
Correct sentence: Jeg vet ikke hvorfor han ikke kommer.
I hope this clarifies it:)
Try and make some examples in the comments.
Here are some of ours so you can have something to lean on:
Du er god i norsk selv om du ikke snakker flytende.
Hun kan bo hos meg hvis hun vil.
Han fortalte meg at du ikke vil lære norsk.
Da jeg kom til Norge, var det kaldt og vått.
Jeg vet ikke når hun kom til Norge.
Dere fortalte meg ikke hvorfor dere ikke reiste til Italia i helgen.
Your turn:)
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